Samodzielnie ułóż swój drewniany taras!

Naturalne drewno
w Twoim domu

Samodzielnie ułóż swój drewniany taras!

Naturalne drewno
w Twoim domu

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Z nami masz znacznie więcej
niż jeden wybór

Używając tych samych desek można zmontować wiele różnych wzorów
? konstrukcja łącznika umożliwia swobodne ich przekładanie.

Dowiedz się więcej...
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Solidny, drewniany taras
do samodzielnego montażu.

Gotowe, zaolejowane deski tarasowe zmontujesz
sam, szybko, bez cięcia i bez dodatkowych narzędzi.

Zobacz zastosowania

Design and calculate your own wooden decking!

Natural wood
in your home

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Have more
than just a one choice

Using the same boards you can mount a plenty of different patterns
– the construction of the connector allows for free rearrangement of the boards.

Various patterns of decking
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True, wooden
DIY decking

Finished, oiled decking boards
for single-handed installation - fast without cutting or any tools.

Check the applications
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10 m2 na godzinę...

1 osoba ? 1 godzina ? ponad 10 m2 tarasu

Skonfiguruj swój taras
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10 m2 per hour...

1 person – 1 hour – over 10 m2 of decking

Arrange your decking
GUMI installed
on thousands
of balconies
Many ways
of arrangement
 Watch the movie
DIY without any tools
 Watch the movie
of square meters

Assemble without cutting
7 lengths of the boards

Basic boardA7
Supplementary boardsA1-A6
To choose of the correct boards all you have to do is just use the CALCULATOR available on our website.
Seven modular boards give you great possibility for covering the whole surface without cutting or hiring any specialized mounting-team.
Without cutting – without waste. Save your money buying only as much sqm as necessary.


GUMI decking is a number of novel solutions and completely new approach to the subject of wooden decking.

Specially designed connector, properly prepared modular boards, modern methods of wood modification, tools for designing available on-line, all of these cause that the true wooden decking is now possible to be mounted by yourself, fast and without any waste of money.

New areas for application: BALCONIES and TERRACES with HYDROINSULATION – everywhere where installation of classic wooden boards have not been possible.

All the innovative solutions are being protected by patent laws in: EU, USA and PRC.

Check our

Simple and smart internet tool allowing for indyvidual design and quotattion of the decking.
Calculator can automaticly count the quantity of the necessary boards and packages and  can make the list for particular patterns.

Check the calculator